Contact Us

Estate Manager

Pieter Möller
Cell: 082 909 5820
[email protected]

Security Services

Visa Security Group

Primary Operations Contacts
General Manager: Samuel Kimera
Cell: 076 273 4042
Availability: 24/7
[email protected]

Administration Contacts:
Portfolio Administrator: Tshofelo Mogale
Cell: 065 897 7452
Tel:   012 654 4741
[email protected]

Managing Agent:

Pretor Group
Portfolio Manager:
Shaun Williams
[email protected]

Portfolio Assistant:

Anneke Pretorius
[email protected]
Tel: +27 12 001 9166

Aesthetics: Building

Jo-Christie Reinecke (1st Responsible Director)
Inge Mulder (2nd Responsible Director)
[email protected]

24-Hour Emergency Number

Visa Security Tactical Elite Force
Tactical Reaction Officers:
Thabo Maake | Johnboy Senyolo
Cell: 081 548 5609

Aesthetics: Gardens, Parks & Maintenance

Henk Buitendach (1st Responsible Director)
Ewout Engelbrecht (2nd Responsible Director)
[email protected]

Aesthetics: Building

Jo-Christie Reinecke (1st Responsible Director)
Inge Mulder (2nd Responsible Director)
[email protected]

Architectural Services

Contact: Andri Zaayman
[email protected]
Tel: 082 839 0327

Garden Services

Green Cube Garden Services
Contact: Quentin Kleynhans
Tel:  012 335 6545
Cell: 082 906 2179
[email protected]


Refuse Removals

Bi Waste
Contact: Linda Deetlefts
Cell: 083 272 6971
[email protected]

Rietvlei Ridge Website

Push Buttons/Member Portals
Contact: Debbie Haworth
Cell: 083 269 9365
[email protected]

Emergency Numbers

Remember: The estate manager should always be consulted.
Most of the time the estate manager will deal with the following situations.
If you should be able to get a reference number from the City Council, please inform the estate manager so that this can be followed up.

In the case of crime

Phone Police at 10111 or Lyttelton Police Station at 012 6448600

Crime in the Estate: Visa Security Tactical Elite Force - 081 548 5609

In the case of an accident

Phone an Ambulance at 10177 / 012 358 6300

Water interruption/water leaks

Consult the Estate Manager or phone 012 358 3716/3469 or after hours 012 358 9999/2111.

(If the leak is on your own stand, you need to consult a plumber)

Fire in the Estate

Phone Tshwane Fire Emergency at:
012 310 6300 / 012 310 6400 / 10177

Power 0utage

SMS the word ‘power’ and your reference number on your Tshwane municipal account to 082 612 0333.

(In the case when the whole Estate is affected the SMS will read: power 5006056358)

Sewerage overflow/blocked drains

Consult the Estate Manager or phone 012 358 3435 or after-hours 012 358 9999/2111

(If the overflow/blocked drain is inside your stand, you need to consult a plumber)

Fire in the Rietvlei Nature Reserve

Contact: Natalie Vos
Cell: 082 891 2018
Tel: 012 358 3361